This is one of those OH GOD WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN ones.
Continue readingLet’s start doing this when there’s some extra bit that I wanted to point out but would break the narrative of a post. Or just a note to myself for a topic that sounds interesting for later.
Continue readingPlease note that the word “Hero” is gonna be used a lot in this post. In this context “Hero” is 英雄 (“Eiyuu”) which is more along the lines of “Hero of Legend”, this isn’t to be confused with ヒーロー (“Hiiro”) which is often used for Rice Shower and means a more conventional “Hero” as in “Main Character”, it also shouldn’t be confused with 勇者 (“Yuusha”) or “Brave Hero” which is the one that is meant to be used with Agnes Digital’s idea of being a Hero.
As usual I’m gonna open up with something that will lead into this theme, but this one should be familiar to anyone familiar with anime and manga.
Continue readingThe attention to detail that Uma Musume puts in the most unexpected places never fails to amaze me.
Continue readingAnyone familiar with my work outside this blog might get the impression that I’m the kind in love with down-to-earth narratives that focus on the often-unseen masses.
That impression would be spot on.
Continue readingThis is like the Zephyr one, god knows I have a LOT to say about Maruzensky, but for now I wanna focus on a random piece of trivia.
Continue readingYou ever get targeted with pinpoint precision where it hurts the most by a fictional character?
Continue reading