
Only to be notified of new posts, I ain’t here to pester people. Unlike all the motherfuckers that make these plugins. All I want is for people to get an email whenever I post a new thing. I don’t want to send more than what’s necessary, I don’t want to send “beautiful” “campaigns”, and I certainly don’t want the interface to be uncomfortably personal. They are the reason written blogs are dying as a means for the layman to put all their thoughts online, because every tutorial is a video or posted by the people that want to sell you on their plugin. And that’s if you’re lucky, most of the time you only get “tips” on how to get more people on your page that read like a PUA’s manifesto where “female” is replaced by “subscriber”.

God I hate every plugin and plugin provider with a passion.

I don’t know how to edit the button I’m so sorry.