Like with Northern Taste, the choice to bring Sunday Silence to Japan wasn’t met without ridicule.
Continue readingReal Horses
There are 9 posts filed in Real Horses (this is page 1 of 1).
Sunday Silence – The Black Beast
I cannot dance around this topic anymore, we need to talk about THE most important horse of Japanese Horseracing history.
Continue readingNorthern Taste – Everyone’s Grandpa
Even though this post is about one horse, we need to talk about that horse’s father first.
Continue readingTokino Minoru – The Phantom Horse
Unless stated otherwise, all photos here come from Tokino Minoru’s Wikipedia article and their respective sources.
So let’s talk about another one of those super important horses in horse racing Lore.
Continue readingEclipse first, the rest nowhere
You might’ve noticed this motto on a lot of stuff in Tresen Gakuen… you might be surprised there’s a horse related to it.
Continue readingHaru Urara – Running no matter what
I’m gonna do things differently this time. While the in-game version of Urara is still based on a real horse, as we’ll see, adapting the real horse’s tale was… not possible within the confines of the game.
Continue readingWho is Daring Tact?
The legend of “Uncle Miracle”
Haiseiko, the first “Idol Horse”
Header taken from JRA-VAN, credited to the JRA.
This all started when I went for a refresher on who Light Hello was based off of.
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